Making Kimchi in Korea
Kimchi is wonderful. I ate it growing up but started liking it only recently. It is similar to a spicy food addiction. Its hard to explain but I crave it all the time. Making kimchi is not something I ever really imagined myself doing, I always saw older ladies in Korea making it.
Kimchi is a “traditional Korean fermented side dish”… which means that it is served with the main dish (rice).
Today I made some kimchi with several friends. It turned out to be quite fun. This is not really meant to be a recipe for making kimchi because I didn’t get all the ingredients from my friends who were showing us how to make it. They kept saying that each ingredient was homemade or home grown and difficult to find.
Instead of trying to track down all the ingredients, I just took pictures of the kimchi making process.
If you want to try and make this on your own, the kitchn does a good job of explaining it.
I should also mention that we are making southern Korean style lettuce kimchi. There are a ton of different types.